Sunday 28 January 2018

Making important life decisions from a heart that is Guided by God


Decisions from the Heart

It isn't always easy when we make decisions that may change the course of our lives. When we make decisions that aren't approved by the heart, we only hurt our core and derail from the path that will take us to our greatest potential. Sometimes we want to make the most money and sometimes we want to have the highest positions. Does this mean that we are doing what we love to do? Does this mean that we can fully grow into our greatest inner potential. In my opinion, we are doing ourselves no favors by choosing what makes us more mundanely happy, like working that top job that we get no break from. Working for people that takes away our energy and drive. God knows how to put us in the positions that we want and the life that we want to live. God knows exactly who your are meant to be and God can help you unlock every door in your life that can lead you into your highest being. I once thought that I had to make a lot of money to feel really happy and to be able to do the things I wanted to do with my children. When I took the offer to be a volunteer at an elderly day care center, I saw what it was to be fully selfless, and to help those who are vulnerable and in need, without a financial reward. This changed me, it made me see that my heart, my strongest organ, beating through the grace of God, was made to love unconditionally. I learned to really have love for people I did not know. This is what made me so happy when I got my job as Youth Support Worker. It was no longer about how much money I make, it was now about the changes that I make in the lives of others. My job has been so good to me. I work with really fantastic people who have great energies and who are all very supportive. They understand my role as Key Worker and also my role as a mother and a woman of God. They respect that, and I respect them for it. They accept me as Christ did. My life has changed for the better, and if there is anything that I can do to let people know that God is truly in control I will do it. Without God, I don't think I would have the wisdom to truly make the right choices. 

I would like to encourage everyone to take some time out and just talk to God, let God know that you are aware of the decisions before you and that you will use the heart that he gave you to help lead you to your destiny. God will grab you up like his long lost child and hold you close for the rest of this life. 

Bible Verse for today: 1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 

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